September 13, 2011

Pan Cake

     Pancake, or literally a small cake you make in a pan. Sweet or savory these rank high on my list of near perfect foods. I love pancakes for dinner and have always been a fan of those little hole in the wall dinners that will make them at all hours of the day and night. Warm, fluffy, filled with fruit or other treasures, drowning in syrup and butter. Oh Yeah, loving the pancake.
     But I never actually make them myself. Well once, from one of those shake and pour mixes, (this is an accident I urge you all to learn from and not repeat.) The thought of making gluten free pancakes, with all of the different flours involved not to mention the normal ingredients that go into a regular pancake, well it just wasn't happening. Pancakes are a spur of the moment craving, if I'm made to wait longer than five minutes chances are I will have found something else to eat in the meantime. If I'm going to go through all the effort of measuring and mixing, I might as well fire up the oven and bake, that way there's no need to find the stove top equilibrium necessary in cooking the perfect pancake. Cakey innards cooked, chips melted, fruit cooked, outside just golden...
     Now there are GF pancake mixes, but I've shied away from them, finding them heavy on the starches and using mainly rice flour. Good for taste, OK for texture, not so great for blood sugar and those watching carbs. And then my Cousin's lovely girlfriend, (who I am keeping as part of the family regardless), gifted me with a bag of Bob's Red Mill GF Pancake mix. Basically if I were going to mix all of the flours together myself, Bob does it the way I would. If we were in a restaurant and you served these to me, I would make you promise me they were gluten free and then I would tell you how much I loved you.
     My first attempt, while not pretty, (I'll have to work on my technique), was most certainly edible.I have a feeling that this mix will become a regular part of my kitchen's pantry.


Ingredients: potato starch, sorghum flour, tapioca flour, corn flour,
evaporated cane juice, baking powder (sodium acid pyrophosphate,
sodium bicarbonate, corn starch, monocalcium phosphate),
baking soda, sea salt, xanthan gum.

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